Welcome to our Animation Campus, a premier destination for aspiring animators and VFX artists, created through the collaboration between Softroniics and BMG Animation. Softroniics, with over 12 years in the IT training industry, is renowned for its commitment to 100% placement success and operates multiple branches across Kerala.
BMG Animation, a global powerhouse with over 20 years of expertise, has a portfolio of over 100 clients worldwide and is famous for creating beloved characters like Tintumon and Happy Kid. Together, we are dedicated to equipping candidates with the skills and experience necessary to thrive in the creative industry.
We believe that animation is more than just an art form—it’s a powerful tool for storytelling, expression, and innovation.
From the basics of animation to advanced techniques, our curriculum covers a wide range of topics to suit all skill levels.
Learn from industry professionals with years of experience and a passion for teaching.
Engage with a community of learners, participate in live sessions, and receive personalized feedback.
Meet the creative minds and industry experts who design and lead our animation courses. Their passion, experience, and dedication ensure that you receive the best education and inspiration to excel in the world of animation
Chairman & Managing Director, BMG
Executive Director, BMG
Director - Operations, BMG
©2024 The Animation Campus. All rights reserved.